Selected Pieces - Fiction
Bubbe’s Spoon
by Blair Berenson, Georgia
as the mush and mash meddle
with Their mouths the Grandkids
say it tastes grand, as i spoon
feed the food that is fed, my offspring’s
Offspring spring off to life
i’ve lived in the drawer for years
where it is dark damp and deep
i’m not fond of the drawer and the
drawer probably isn’t fond of me
i feed the guests that come over
for their weekly games of mah-jongg
and afternoon tea times though
of this i get no joy
but when i entered Their drawers
where it is dark damp and deep
i love it
They are why i haven’t rusted
to be thrown in the trash,
They are why i haven’t been lost
like the top to that one piece of
tupperware, They are why i
have given my life to giving nourishment
Them. i love Them.